Well, since no one else cares about this blog I guess I will get things going again and post a few new pics. I was looking at all of your blogs last night and Megan is the only one with a new post in the last 6 or so months. That is sad. Anyway, I thought I do a rundown on what everyone is up to and if you have any new information or corrections you'd like to add please feel free.
Dad and Mom
Well, they just got back from a quick trip to North Carolina to take Kevin and Ginger another car. They had a long drive, a great visit, and a quick flight home. It sounded like a whirlwind. Dad is getting ready to leave for Hawaii (poor guy) to be trained (so he says) for something really important (I can't remember what). He leaves toward the end of March. Aloha!
Mom is still superintendent of the two house renovation going on in her house and Stan's old house. It is amazing what they have done and it looks great. She works day and night and makes sure that the workmen are all taken care of. What a great boss. She is also still putting in a few hours at the hospital so she doesn't get much downtime yet she still finds time to be a fantastic grandma and friend to Maxine.Keven and Kara
Well the two adventurers are wraping things up in Sri Lanka and if the stories are really true, they will be back in Utah to stay sometime this Spring. I'll believe it when I see them here. They have done a great job with their work especially considering the circumstances and we all are praying that they come home to stay. Josh and Amy, Ella and Preston
Josh turned 30, Amy is 31 weeks pregnant, Ella is 31 inches tall and Preston is as busy as 3 kids put together. We're loving our house, Josh is adjusting to his job, Amy is surviving pregnancy, Ella is in heaven with her own room and Preston is getting better at talking instead of screaming. Luke should be here by the beginning of May. Keven, maybe you two can share a birthday (Sorry Meg, I'm not waiting that long) even though my due date isn't until the 13th of May.Jonathan 
Jonathan is a hard working landlord and bachelor. He is rennovating his kitchen (at least the cupboards) and is working long hours at the office. He is also making a little time for the ladies but he still is looking for that special someone. He is an incredible uncle and one of the few who will actually change a diaper.
Talk about a workaholic. This girl has like 10 jobs and still finds time to go to the gym. I think she also has a little time left over for a guy from the prison (oh yeah he just works there, Nate). She looks like a model and could probably beat any one of us up so look out.
Kevin and Ginger
If the two of you survive this month and make it out alive it will be a miracle. We are all praying for Ginger and her darling eyes. She has had some kind of eye correction surgery which probably is 100 times worse than any kind of training Kevin had to go through, not to mention a sinus surgery. What a tough chick. Kevin is being an outstanding husband especially considering most of the time he's in another state. Korean anyone? Just ask Kevin, I hear he is fluent. Katelyn
DJ Kate is rockin Utah County at KOHS. She was on TV (the news) and she is the best DJ they've got. The news anchor even said so. She is trying to stay in school and is working hard at her internship where she is doing ride alongs with Dad and Josh at the Fire Department. She got to see some interesting calls last night with Josh. A head-on collision and an attempted suicide with a knife. It's all in a days work. What a babe!
As a side note I am emailing all of you the info on how to post a blog or make a comment and it would be really nice to hear from you SOON!
Post something NOW!
It is soooo nice to have a member of our family that is willing to make sure we stay more connected. Kudos to you Amy! One of these days I will sit down and learn how to use this infernal computer better and start taking some of my own pictures and posting them. Until that day arrives.....keep up the good work Amy! Love you Mom Forsyth
Don't I have a cute sister and niece?
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