Kevin (Wookie) Forsyth

I was just thinking about Kevin today decided that I wanted to tell everyone how proud of him I am. Kevin in serving in the Army in Afghanishtan. He is such a great example to all of us of selfless sacrifice and true patriotism. He loves our country and we love him. Kevin, thank you for all you do. Be safe and come home soon!


Kowgirl Kate said...

Amen sista! Love you Kevie!

Jon4syth said...

Kevin, Love you, you're the best.

Nate and Megan said...

Eh, you're alright. Ha ha, just kidding little brother! You're amazing and I'm very proud to be your sister :)

Kevin & Ginger said...

I cry when I think of how brave you are. Its people like you that make this country great